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February 2015 - Currently so-called tetraploid varieties are on the market as alternatives to annual ryegrasses for turfgrass purposes. Tetraploids are naturally fast growers, but the ability to germinate at temperatures as low as 6 ºC and speed of establishment of the SOS annual key variety is still unrivalled in laboaratory testing.


sos table germination

Tetraploid ryegrasses do not match annual ryegrases for growth or germination in low soil temperatures, and the currently available varieties have low benefits for turf grass use in terms of improved wear tolerance.

Current tetraploid varieties are marketed as alternatives to annual rye grasses turf type which have recently been used with much success for overseeding and renovation in various times of the year, especially outside the growing season.

Tetraploids are naturally fast growers, but the ability to germinate at temperatures as low as 6 ºC and speed of establishment of annual varieties inside the SOS is still unrivalled in laboratory testing. 

Comprehensive trials by organisations such as STRI suggest that tetraploids offer little benefits at the moment as a permanent solution due to their poor shoot density and wear tolerance.

SOS - Super Over Seeding

Packshot SOS Sport

The key component of our SOS mixtures is a variety of fast establishing annual ryegrass 

(Lolium multiflorum westerwoldicum) specifically bred for its turf characteristics. It is a third generation further developed annual rye grass just for use as turf grass. 

It is a proven performer.

The SOS annual component delivers a quick fix – nothing on the market germinates or grows faster at low temperatures. Perennial ryegrasses like Barminton provide longevity to the mixture and is a proven performer in European conditions.

See the tests!

With the well renowned properties of our SOS there are a number of companies who are keen to try and replicate its success. Our trial took place under laboratory conditions at Barenbrug Research in the Netherlands. This project aimed to answer this simple question: is the germination under low temperature of tetraploid varieties higher than SOS annual ryegrasses?

After 21 days the results were obvious; SOS annual ryegrass significantly out-competes tetraploid ryegrasses in cool temperatures as can be seen in the table below.



Is your sward in need of repair too? Whether it’s for the goal area in a stadium, the local amateur club’s penalty area or your neighbourhood football pitch, go for SOS now!

For more information about SOS - Super Over Seeding, click here!