Products for Golf courses
High-quality grass seed mixtures for your green, fairway, tee and rough. At Barenbrug we have been breeding grasses for golf courses for more than half a century. So Barenbrug golf grass mixtures are well-developed and have conquered the market worldwide. To ensure that our new products are used in the best way possible, we work closely with greenkeepers and golf course architects.
14 Results
RPR® Golf Extreme
- Highest wear tolerance
- Regenerating ability due to RPR-grass technology
- Fastest establishment
- Exceptional Spring Dead Spot Tolerance
- Excellent Summer Density
- Quick Spring Green Up
Bar Rough
- Suitable for all kind of soils
- Low maintenance required
- Attractive flowering during the year
Resilient Blue® Golf
- Tolerance during stress periods
- Fastest recovery after stressful periods
- Extraordinary wear tolerance
PanAm Blend
- Ideal for the improvement of older common bermudagrass turf and all 'low maintenance' bermuda turf areas and uses
- Fine leaved turf, with moderate density, and medium green color
- PanAm bermudagrass blend is Yellow Jacket® enhanced for fast germination, early establishment, and ease of handling when seeded
- The next generation of Bermudagrass
- Excellent Density
- Exceptional wear tolerance
Bar Superb
- Close mowing tolerance down to 4 mm
- Higher ball speed
- More traffic possible in summer & winter
Bar Trio Bent
- High resistance to diseases like Dollar Spot and Fusarium
- Extremely fast greens
- Very dense greens
Resilient Blue® Muda
- Grass that keeps fighting back
- Permanently green bermudagrass all year round
- Automatic seasonal transition without downtime